Monday, May 22, 2006


Years that followed in the college were real fruitful period, both for me and also for many students. I always had a bunch of boys interested in photography. A photographic club was formed and many students were motivated to take photography seriously. There were some who got into Film Institutes for learning cinematography. This interest among students had an impact on the college itself. While there were just two darkrooms earlier, now there were six! The dark room of the Botany Department was out and out for my use, thanks to Prof.Dr.James. But for this help from him I would have dropped photography long back.

With a dark room at my personal disposal I did use long hours for many experimental (!) work. Once I got into the dark room usually with some students, present or past, giving me company, we would totally last track of our time. Ravi, an old student became more crazy about photography than me and we many a time went out for 'out-door shootings' and indulged in many trials in processing. Whatever information we got from different books on photography on processing, we tried to experiment that. I am posting just two such photographs here, as examples of our many trials.